Sunday School
Sunday school is essential to the building of every church and it certainly is at First Free Will Baptist. Sunday school is held every Sunday at 9:45 am and there are classes available for people of all ages from our nursery to our Senior Adults. Join us us this week for Sunday school!
Upward Youth Basketball
Promoting the Discovery of Jesus Through Sports.
Upward is a first-class sports experience that emphasizes healthy competition, sportsmanship, and skill, versus the "win-at-all-cost" mentality found in many other leagues.
Women's Circles
Our Woman's Auxilary is broken into smaller bible study and service circles.
Goodwill Circle
Hilda Sasser Circle
Lydia Circle
Willing Workers Circle
Other Ministries
​Our church has many other areas in which we minister including shut-in services, prayer shawl ministry, nursing home ministries, Vacation Bible School, scouting, Operation Christmas Child, and youth camps at Cragmont Assembly & Camp Vandemere. Contact a member today to see where you can help in our ministries!
Youth Groups
Our chuch offers youth programs for children of all ages. They are grouped according to age as follows:
Nursery and Toddler (birth-4 yrs)
Cherubs (5-8 yrs)
Younger Youth (9-12 yrs)
4:12 Youth Ministries (13-18 yrs)